Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Goals for the New Year

“2015 2014 was a great year for me. A lot happened! I interned at Flare Magazine, I graduated from college, and I did my first big design job being the graphic designer for Buffer Festival 2014. I also got to travel to the USA to visit some friends and I went to quite a few concerts and events here in Toronto! I'm hoping 2015 brings me just as many great opportunities and memories!

Today I thought I'd share with you some of my goals for 2015. I hate the term "new years resolutions" because to me they always end up as unrealistic things that never end up happening (if they work for you though, that's great)! I prefer to set some more realistic goals for myself and then I can cross those goals off my list as they get accomplished. So here are my goals for the new year!
  • Get a job (or do more freelancing) in graphic design.
  • Do something different with my hair.
  • Create a redesign for my blog.
  • Travel to New York City.
  • Read 12 books.
  • Reorganize and declutter my makeup collection.
  • Clear out my wardrobe of clothing I no longer wear.
  • Become more confident bare-faced.
  • Scrapbook for the entire year (I'll be doing a post about this soon!)
  • Take more photos.
  • Drink less Coke Zero and more water.
  • Keep up with a good skincare routine.
  • Wash my makeup brushes once a week.
  • Create a blogging schedule and stick to it.
Those are all the goals I have at the moment. Some of these might change, or more may get added throughout the year, but I feel like what I have is quite realistic for the most part which will make me feel all the more accomplished at the end of 2015 if I've done most of them!

What are your goals for 2015? Do we share any similar goals? Let me know below!