I've been tagged a couple of times to do this tag (once by Rose and once by Lindsay of Have a Parade) and I've finally got around to doing it! This tag was created by EssieButton and AmeliaLiana (I love both of their YouTube channels) and it was a fun tag to do! I'll list the people I tag at the end of this post!
What do you watch or read during me-time?
During me-time I watch YouTube videos mostly! I'm subscribed to so many people on YouTube so I spend a little time every day usually catching up on my subscriptions! And lately I've been watching a lot of Vlogmas vlogs! I'll also watch whatever TV shows I record on my DVR or sometimes I just put on the Food Network and watch whatever's on at the time!
What do you wear during me-time?
The minute I’m home and don’t have anywhere to go I’m always putting on leggings or sweatpants with a big cozy sweater and either socks or my slippers. I love being as comfy as possible!
What are your me-time beauty products?
Some evenings I’ll spend a little extra time on my skincare routine and throw in a face mask but I don’t really have any go-to things! Lately I’ve been using the Freeman Dead Sea Minerals Anti-Stress mask or a sample of a Glam Glow mask that I have! I also just recently started getting back into taking baths and I've really enjoyed playing around with different bath products!
Current favourite nail polish?
My nail polish favourites change so, so often. I don’t have any specific shade favourites that are coming to mind but I’ve really been loving any deep red or purple cremes lately!
What do you eat/drink during me-time?
I’m a snacker. It’s rare you won’t find me in the evenings on the couch snacking on something. I love snacking on Pringles (Original flavour, of course) or nachos and sipping on a Coke Zero or Dr. Pepper (super unhealthy, I know. But you've got to treat yourself)!
Current favourite candle?
Last month I picked up the Pumpkin Gingerbread candle from Bath & Body Works and it is incredible. I've been burning it almost constantly lately. I've also been loving 'Tis the Season (also from B&BW)!
Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
I’m not really the outdoorsy type but I do enjoy walking around downtown Toronto (if it’s not too cold out) and checking out some shops!
Would you ever go see a movie alone?
Yeah, I would! I’ve never been to a movie alone but I definitely would not be opposed to it!
Favourite online shop?
I love browsing ASOS and Modcloth! They both have such a huge range of items to look at and are constantly adding new things! I have an ongoing wishlist for both websites!
Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?
One thing I often do is go to the mall alone. It’s nice because I get out of the house but still get to have some me-time. I like shopping alone sometimes so I can take as much time needed browsing in stores like H&M or Sephora!
I tag Courtney (Cupcakes & Cateyes) and McKenna (genderwitchswampclub) to do this tag!
I just saw this! Awesome picture - yay Gabriella! I need to catch up on her Vlogmas so much. ♥︎
ReplyDeleteYes, I love her vlogs! I'm watching one right now in fact :)!