I love this series of photos of beautiful freckled ladies!
These letters written by kids are the funniest/cutest thing.
This hedgehog is looking fabulous in its flower crown.
This comic made me laugh.
These black & white underwater photos are breathtaking.
This photographer makes and photographs miniature topographies in fish tanks. So incredible.
I really want this Design Nerd tshirt!!
I saw Now You See Me last night and it was so, so good!
I've done a wee bit of shopping the past couple of weeks, so expect a collective haul soon!
My mom bought some pretty flowers for the garden. I love sunflowers so much!
My webzine is giving away a pair of tickets to see Atlas Genius in Toronto this month! Check it out here if you want to enter!
My big sister turned 21 this week! This is us as little kids, and again a year or 2 ago at Christmas.
This is the cake I made for my sister's birthday!