Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Favourites

This photo of a bat! I love the light going through its wings.

This fabulous bag! Photos from Kaylah/The Dainty Squid, and check out the bags here!

This illustration made me laugh.

This super cute monkey!

This fox bowtie is adorable.

This kitty in a chair!

I love this lace bow barette from Forever 21! I think it'd be really cute to wear with a sock bun!

One of my favourite youtubers, danisnotonfire, uploaded this video yesterday and it made me laugh SO hard!

~Instagram Faves~

This is a makeup look I've been wearing a lot so far this season! I use my Revlon Colorstay quad in Adventurous with a bit of MAC Embark in the crease and a winged liner!

Call me immature, but the song title was cut off and I thought it was pretty hilarous x)!

An outfit I wore to school this week! This was my first time wearing this necklace I got from eBay! Sometimes I like wearing all black, and this day I paired an all-black outfit with my burgundy tights!