Today I'll be sharing my thoughts of CoverGirl's Clump Crusher mascara with you!
This is my first mascara in the past year or two that hasn't been one from the Maybelline Volum Express line of mascaras. In the past whenever I needed a new mascara I would usually get one of those, but I felt like trying something totally new this time!
I have heard a lot about the original Lashblast mascara by CoverGirl so I thought I'd give their new Clump Crusher a try! I got the water resistant formula.
I really like the packaging of this mascara, as well as the wand! It is a plastic wand that has a slight curve to it. I like curved wands because it helps coat lashes in the inner and outer corners of my eyes easier. The wand is a good size as well, and isn't too big or too small.
As far as the formula goes, so far I am really impressed. It doesn't smudge on me at all and I don't notice any flaking throughout the day. This mascara also does a great job of lengthening my lashes, as well as adding some volume!
Here are a couple of before/after photos! This is after I curled my lashes and applied 2 coats of the mascara.
The mascara really stays true to its name of "Clump Crusher" because this mascara doesn't clump my lashes at all. The wand does a great job of combing through my lashes during application which makes my lashes not clump together!
Overall I really like this mascara so far! I have no complaints!
Have you tried this mascara? What are some of your favourite drugstore mascaras you've tried?