Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How I Achieved My Best Looking Skin | Current Skincare Routine

“skincare I have never been one to have nice skin. I always envied girls around me with beautiful, clear skin who could go out bare-faced like it's nothing. Since I was about 11 or 12 years old I've struggled with acne. I've tried many different skincare products over the years but nothing has worked outstandingly well. In the past month or so I've switched up my skincare routine a bit and it must be working because in the past couple of weeks I've gotten compliments on my skin from 3 different people (one was a customer at work, one was a woman working at Yves Rocher, and one was my hairdresser). I don't think I've ever been complimented on my skin, and it's always been something I've felt self-conscious about, so those 3 comments really stuck with me. I still don't leave the house without my base on, but it's nice to be able to wear less full-coverage products without stressing over my skin too much. And my skin as it is now is by no means perfect, I still have discolouration and acne scarring, but it is heaps better than it has been over the past 10 years.

My skintype is combination/oily. I get oily throughout my T-zone, but also have dryer patches especially around my eyebrows. I do get breakouts still but the current skincare products I'm using are helping to keep those at a minimum. I also think my slightly healthier diet so far for the new year could be a contributing factor.

Morning Routine

In the morning I start by cleansing my face with the First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser on the Conair True Glow Sonic Skincare Solution Brush.  I then take the BiorĂ© Acne Fighting Astringent on a cotton pad and sweep it over my skin. I follow that up with the First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream. I don't like to have a super complex skincare routine for the mornings (and truthfully, I sometimes skip the first step here), but I feel like these products are fairly quick to use and work great.

Nighttime Routine

At night I don't mind spending a little extra time on my skincare. I find it quite relaxing to do lately, which is nice because I used to dread nighttime skincare. I start by removing all of my makeup with a Kirkland Daily Facial Towelette. I have been using these makeup wipes for years and they work great and they're inexpensive! Next I'll often use my First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser on my Conair True Glow Brush again. About 2-3 times a week, I'll substitute that step for using the Yves Rocher Pure System Daily Exfoliating Cleanser, which I either massage into my skin with my fingers, or use the Conair True Glow brush for. After cleansing, I'll apply 2-3 drops of Tarte Maracuja Oil into my hands, rub them together, and then onto my face and neck. Following that step I apply a layer of Yves Rocher Sebo Vegetal Zero Blemish Gel Cream to my face. Last, if I have any blemishes or spots, I'll use Lush Grease Lightning as a spot treatment.

I really think one of the main contributing factors to my skin improving is my new Conair True Glow Sonic Skincare Solution Brush. I recently picked it up when it went on sale and it's fantastic. It has 3 different "speed" settings and has a built-in 1 minute timer that beeps every 10 seconds, so you spend 10 seconds on each part of the face (left cheek, right cheek, chin, nose, left forehead, right forehead). It's also fully waterproof and comes with both a face and body brush head. I've been wanting to try the Clarisonic for years but could never justify spending $200+ on one, so I'm really glad I picked this up!

What are your current favourite skincare products? I'm currently looking for a mask to use a couple of times a week, any recommendations?


  1. I use the First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream morning and night and my skin has been the least dry it's ever been. I want to try out their cleanser next!
    I didn't know Conair came out with a skincare brush! I've wanted the Clairisonic for years, but I agree, $200 is a bit too expensive.
    If you're looking for a good mask, Origins is my go-to. I love the Clear Improvement Active Charcoal mask. The blue hydration mask from Glam Glow is really good too, but pricey, so I always ask for a sample when I'm in Sephora.

    Monica - Mocha and Moccasins

    1. I've heard great things about the Origins mask! I've tried samples of the YouthMud and SuperMud masks from Glam Glow but neither blew me away, but I might have to give the ThirstyMud a go! Looks like I'll be getting me a couple of mask samples next time I'm in Sephora! ;)

    2. I really want to try the Glam Glow one (but mainly because of all the buzz).
      I also think I need to try an Origins mask - but I am so overwhelmed by there product range I'm never sure which one!
      Kelsey x

  2. Oh gosh that's a lot of things. I'm such a lazy butt I usually just use makeup remover wipes and moisturizer and i *occasionally* wash my face. But I'm glad you found a skincare routine that works for you!

    1. Yeah it is a bit much but it seems to be quite effective so I'm happy to do it! :)

  3. I am really focussing on my skincare this year. i have gotten so lazy since going on Roaccutane for my ance (which is the absolute opposite of what I should be doing).
    I need to get a good night cream and mask - I wish we had First Aid Beauty in Australia (we possibly do I just haven't seen it).
    I'm glad you skin has improved and your getting nice compliments on it, I know how that can change your day!
    Kelsey x

  4. So many products, Love it. I have acne since my 15 and now I'm 20 and I still struggle with acne. I just cant found specially products for me, now I use products by Avene and Eucerin and I love them. But these products sounds really nice.

  5. Tea tree oil based products have been lifesavers for me. I just can't see using anything else now! Though I'm in a hormonal mini-breakout at the moment.

  6. Must try the Tarte Maracuja oil! Have you tried Lush's Love Lettuce face mask? It's a life safer!

